Tekamah-Herman 7-12 Resource prepares your child for success!


The T-H Resource Program strives to successfully educate students having special needs in the regular classroom to the maximum extent possible.  We provide assistance, alternative education (Math & English), adaptations and modifications to the regular education program in accordance with the students' individual education plans.

Special & Regular Educators Work Together

As special educators, we can:
*Co-teach a class of diverse learners
*Hold study sessions to prepare kids for upcoming tests
*Help modify or accommodate tests to meet individual student needs
*Assist with behaviors in class
*Help create study guides for test

Contact Us

Mrs. Leslee Brenneis & Mrs. Traci Lingle

Rooms 206 & 207
Tekamah-Herman High School
112 North 13th Street
Tekamah, NE 68020



Parents can help students become more successful by:
*Using Power School to check grades
*Communicating with teachers through email/phone
*Checking assignment books
*Be aware of assignments and upcoming tests/quizzes
*Encourage regular study time


Students can help themselves by:
*Coming to class prepared
*Bringing all necessary materials to class
*Using an assignment book
*Being aware of due dates and test dates
*Preparing IN ADVANCE for tests and quizzes
*Attending study sessions
*Asking for additional help

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